For tuning engines with injection systems and for specific fault diagnosis, it is essential that the required engine operating temperature is achieved. The digital potentiometer V.A.G 1630 simulates these testing conditions with help from resistances between 0.1 and 19.9 kiloohms. This way the use of earth leads from the measuring aid set V.A.G 1594 A ensure simple and safe fault diagnosis on today`s engines and on engines of the future
Design and features:
- Plastic and impact resistant housing
- 2 independently switchable decade resistors A and B
- -Resistance scale between 0.1 and 19.9 kiloohms for each resistor with direct reading
- 2 1/2 digit display, resolution 0.1 kiloohms
- Max. resistance tolerance: 3% from MV
- Short circuit protection
24 months
ASE 401 270 00 000