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AdBlu Vacuum Box
Model: VAS6557A
$568.20 *

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The vacuum box serves to extract the urea solution that is used for aftertreatment of exhaust gases in selective catalytic reduction (SCR catalyst).
With the special vacuum extraction system, the process can be performed by one person and irrespective of location.
A vacuum is created and stored in the vacuum box via a venturi nozzle with connection to the workshop compressed air supply.
The extraction process is carried out by removing the venturi nozzle, coupling the extraction hose and opening the inlet valve.
Extraction volume approx. 9.5 litres.
Items supplied with VAS 6557 supplemented with AdBlue extraction hose VAS 6557A/1
Do not extract inflammable fluids - risk of explosion!
Do not extract acid and alkaline!

Replacement parts

AdBlue extraction hose
VAS 6557A/1; ASE 425 026 00 000


24 months


Autotestgeraete Leitenberger GmbH

Tool Requirements

Tool Number VAS6557A
Availability Available
Superseded To
Tool Class Special Tools
VW US Requirement Equivalent
VW US Auto Ship Number
AUDI US Requirement Equivalent
AUDI US Auto Ship Number
VW Canada Requirement Equivalent
AUDI Canada Requirement Equivalent
VW MRT Quantity 1
AUDI MRT Quantity 1

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