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Adblue Filling Tool
Model: VAS6542
$340.75 *

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VAS6542 serves as a means of filling the additional Ad Blue tank. The urea and water mixture is added via the filler hose, which is screwed to the relevant connection on the tank. This generates a leak-free connection, thereby ruling out crystallization of the medium as far as possible. After use, the components are rinsed with water in order to assure the function is not impaired. The device is currently required for VW and Audi vehicles.

Recommended accessories:

  • SET740 = Holder for adblue cannister
  • VAG1383A = Transmission Jack



 24 months

Tool Requirements

Tool Number VAS6542
Availability Available
Superseded To
Tool Class Special Tools
VW US Requirement Optional
VW US Auto Ship Number 295
VW US Auto Ship Date 03/17/2009
AUDI US Requirement Optional
AUDI US Auto Ship Number 291
AUDI US Auto Ship Date 11/19/2008
VW Canada Requirement Optional
AUDI Canada Requirement Optional
VW MRT Quantity 1
AUDI MRT Quantity 1

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