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Torque Wrench 1783 - 2-10Nm (Hazet 6280-1CT)
Model: VAG1783
$252.62 *

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Torque wrench with adapter for tool inserts.
Accuracy with right-hand thread ± 2% of gauge reading.
No signal button.
Measuring range 2 - 10 Nm

Design and features:
Graduation: 0.2 Nm
Adapter socket: 9x12 mm

Recommended accessories:
Ring spanner insert, AF 5.5 mm
V.A.G 1784, ASE 440 255 00 000

Open end spanner insert AF 10 mm
V.A.G 1783/1; ASE 440 262 00 000

24 months

Hazet, Remscheid

ASE 440 254 00 000

Tool Requirements

Tool Number VAG1783
Availability Available
Superseded To
Tool Class Special Tools
VW US Requirement Optional
VW US Auto Ship Number 000
AUDI US Requirement Optional
AUDI US Auto Ship Number 000
VW Canada Requirement Optional
AUDI Canada Requirement Optional
VW MRT Quantity 1
AUDI MRT Quantity 1

Invisible Button