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Thermal Clip Bonder Kit
Model: VAS6872
$1,002.74 *

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Serves to repair plastic parts on inside and outside of vehicles - Battery-powered tool (rechargeable)

Technical data:
Output: 14 watt/ 10 watt
Control: Micro-processor
Voltage: 2.4 volt
Rechargeable battery pack: 2x1.2 V / 4.2 AmpH / NiMH
Charger: 12 volt DC / 1 amp

Items supplied:
In the case:
- Hand set VAS 6872/1
- Adapter set VAS 6872/7 (short adapter, long adapter, 45°, 90° & short/long spacer bracket)
- Charging station
- Plug socket adapter, can be used around the world
- Charging cable
- Side cutters
- Box of 5 assorted clips (M, S, V, W, U-clips)
- Operating instructions in various languages

Recommended accessories:
Clip, S-shaped
VAS 6872/2 ASE 312 205 00 000

Clip, M-shaped
VAS 6872/3 ASE 312 206 00 000

Clip, V-shaped
VAS 6872/4 ASE 312 207 00 000

Clip, W-shaped
VAS 6872/5 ASE 312 208 00 000

Clip, U-shaped
VAS 6872/6 ASE 312 209 00 000

24 months


ASE 412 196 00 000


Tool Requirements

Tool Number VAS6872
Availability Available
Superseded To
Tool Class Workshop General Equipment
VW US Requirement Optional
VW US Auto Ship Number
AUDI US Requirement Optional
AUDI US Auto Ship Number
VW Canada Requirement Optional
AUDI Canada Requirement Optional
VW MRT Quantity 1
AUDI MRT Quantity 1

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