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Engine Support Supplementary Set
Model: T40093/5
Superseded To:



Please inspect YOUR T40093/5 for the presence of a third weld. Not all T40093/5 have the third weld.
Only if the third weld is present - Discontinue use immediately!

Reference ATE-20-15 & VSE-20-10 for more information.

Please contact the Special Tools & Equipment Program for an exchange of a T40093/5 with a third weld.

Information on T40093/5:

  • T40093/5 is a component of T40093, T40093A, and T40093B.
  • T40039 Was a minimum required tool (MRT) for Audi and Auto-Shipped on 07/01/2006 in AT253.
  • T40093A Was a minimum requires tool (MRT) for VW and Auto-Shipped on 03/17/2009 in AT295.

Tool Requirements

Tool Number T40093/5
Availability SUPERSEDED
Superseded To T40093/5A
Tool Class Special Tools
VW US Requirement Equivalent
VW US Auto Ship Number
AUDI US Requirement Equivalent
AUDI US Auto Ship Number
VW Canada Requirement Equivalent
AUDI Canada Requirement Equivalent
VW MRT Quantity 1
AUDI MRT Quantity 1

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